Remote troubleshooting

You have a problem on your computer but you with more or less access to INTERNET?

Remote Troubleshooting Thanks to a software that you can download by clicking on the image, we can see on our screen in real time what happens on yours and use our keyboard and our mouse to solve the problems of your PC. Most computer problems can be set remotely!
Unlike in-shop troubleshooting, you can see all the manipulations performed by your operator on the screen, which ensures the confidentiality of your sensitive data.
Our software does not require any installation and you can disconnect at any time with a single click.

Without your permission, any connection is impossible!

Remote computer troubleshooting in 3 points is:
... Faster
... Cheapest
... Everywhere

RATE: 20 € the breakdown, limited to 30 Minutes *

* Subject to availability of a technician.